The Cat's Meow

The Science Behind Pheromones: Decoding Feline Communication
Have you ever caught your cat standing, frozen and intently focused, with her mouth slightly open in a funny grimace? Your kitty is undoubtedly showing what is known as the Flehmen response and is trying...
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Why a Clean Litter Box is So Important to Your Cat
We all know that our kitties are a fussy bunch. They don’t always (unconditionally) appreciate us descending upon them unawares to sneak in a well-intentioned cuddle or deliver a loving scratch. ...
Understanding Feline Elimination – Before or When Issues Arise
Cats are meticulous about their cleanliness and their toileting habits are no exception. So when things go astray in the home, it is usually no accident! Carefully observing and understanding your...
Cat Senses 101: Unlocking the Mysteries of Feline Perception
We all love our feline companions for various reasons.  They are cute, cuddly, and yet also mysterious and fascinating, which is probably why watching your cat is often intriguing if not outright...
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